I’d Call this a Memoir...But Oprah might smite me

I want to test Lulu Publishing before taking my not-quite-finished novel there, so I thought I could compile some of my humorous articles and essays into a small book.

I originally started with 12. This makes for a very slender book unless I make the margins two and a half inches wide on a 6” X 9” book LOL

So I’m still digging through my computer archives for more material.

I was playing around with photos and artwork for a cover, since I can’t get my blasted modem to stay connected to the internet for more than 30 seconds at a time (sorry to all of you I usually visit and leave comments for).

With the big brouhaha that has been generated by the disclosure of falsities (which are not tiny shiny paste-on nipple covers LOL) in James Frey’s book “A Million Little Pieces,” I made up this pretend cover for my upcoming anthology (since the first article is about my broken leg).


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Please read the entries for best Valentine joke below, and vote. I am simply adding new ones:

Entry # 7) from Stringman at Stringman

Entry # 8) from Stephanie at Mystical Incense

to the most recent post, because I am tired of seeing every other headline here about it, so I am sure you are too - LOL
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Fighting a killer sinus headache, which is centered just above left eyebrow, causing left eye to spasm shut on occasion. Made the elderly man at the grocery checkout think I was winking at him. LOL
Stressed out about the boy/man’s theft of phone. Starting to wonder why I thought I could write a book, or even compile a book. Frightened of the strange growling noises coming from the computer.
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I used to sell cemetery lots.


I took a bunch of pictures of the cool stones there. I actually liked it, it was an awesome graveyard.

Found this other picture I’d done as a possible book cover to amuse myself, thought it might give y'all a chuckle.

May peace and joy be with each of you.

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Anonymous said…
LOL!!! I love the bookcover and the title.

Hope that nasty headache went away.
Anonymous said…
Issues, why can't we just be issue free? hehe

Ya know, I enjoy lookin' at headstones. Does that make me weird? I've saw some pretty amazing stones! lol
Anonymous said…
I like the cover art, too. Truly would make me want to peek inside.

I have always been amazed by weird headstones. Come on people, you're dead. Move on! Let's no leave a infinite trail of weirdness :)
Anonymous said…
Let me know if you ever need help with LuLu. I've published a couple of things there and have been very happy with all of them - plus, since I've gone through it, I have a pretty good idea at how to work out the kinks. Feel free to email me if you need help.
Anonymous said…
I love it - and thanks for the LULU thing. I have my two textbooks that I really need to get looking better (right now they are just printed - plastic ring bound - cheap - anyway, tell me what you think about them!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for a good laugh, which I needed, what with one thing and another. Great book covers!
Anonymous said…
Loved the parody book cover!
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, Marti. I think we both know if some very amusing e-mailing segments that might just make for very amusing reading. LOL! Sometimes when I'm having a bad week I will go back and read them just to give myself a giggle!

Anonymous said…
nice bookcover and also the one on the tomb was it a galaxy or something in the bg.
Anonymous said…
happy valentine's marti! :)
Anonymous said…
What if the memoir is so obviously a total B.S. like the one I wrote last night?! :)
Anonymous said…
Hope you are feeling better Marti! I hate sinus headaches.

Love the bookcover too funny! And, that tombstone is really, really neat!
Anonymous said…
LOL - I too like the book idea and the cover.
...HAppy Valentine's Day to you.
Marti said…
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

Thank you for the good wishes, the headache is better today.

I am looking forward to learning more about Lulu!

Yes, I cloned a picture of the Milky Way into the center of a tombstone for that picture.
Anonymous said…
LOL! Who cares what Oprah says... although I would care very much about what Oprah's lawyers say.
Anonymous said…
The book cover is funny!

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