
Thinking Blogger Award

Ya know those days when you say, “What did I do to deserve this?”

I’m having a good one. Really. (Crowd gasps, the weak-of-heart faint dead away.)

I was selected by not one, but TWO fabulous blogging buddies to receive a, “Thinking Blogger Award”.

In the spirit of giving and receiving, I would like to thank the two friends who nominated me. (*cough*yourcheckisinthemail*cough*) LOL

The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.

So of course I gotta tell ya, that Amy over at Amy's Musings is the finest anti-soccer, not-a-mommyblogger blogging mother. She always speaks with a true voice. She always makes me smile. She graciously designs this blog for me, along with coding Jedi, Joefish of Feast of Crumbs (You gotta love a guy who can use dog poop as a child-rearing tool - LOL) Amy is always patient with me when I get some hair-brained idea to add something to the sidebar and throw the whole thing into chaos. She listens to me when I rant in long obscenity-filled e-mails. She is a helluva good friend.

Karen Lee Field of Scribe's Writing Desk also tagged me. She's a terrific writer and blogger. She is an Australian fantasy writer of children’s chapter books. She has a quiet dignity and grace that I envy. Her posts are always thoughtful and filled with great information about writing.

For blogging, writing, and life coaching there is all-round smart cookie, Liz Strauss of Tuesday Open Mic Night, where bloggers gather for fabulous conversation, through hundreds of comments in a few short hours. Also check out SOBCon A fabulous event coming up for, “Taking Your Blogging to the Next Level”.

If you are interested in books or writing, check out Grumpy Old Bookman and literary agent Nathan Bransford for intelligent and wickedly funny insights.

For scathing and hilarious political commentary, I read Tony’s Kansas City. Tony profiles himself as, “Local artist/crackpot“. Even though we live out in the sticks, Kansas City is “my town”. I love its rich history of corruption, and nobody covers the happenings and modern-day debauchery like Tony.

For travel, there is no one finer than Lazy Blogger. LZ Blogger is a serious misnomer when you read the fascinating posts about his travels.

If you’re looking for some great recipes, I love The Queer Chef. Chase hails from the Philippines and currently lives in Norway. He is a charming and talented web designer and film student, in addition to offering heavenly delights for you. And cute as a button!

For business, there is nobody smarter than Seth Godin. Author of multiple best-selling business books and founder of Squidoo. His blog is filled with witty and insightful remarks, and he has a heart of gold, making sure that Squidoo offers every user the opportunity to donate the earnings from their lenses (free webpages) to a charity of their choice. We've given over $25,000!
He exemplifies what Web 2.0 is all about - innovation and communication.

Need a laugh? I know some funny people! For essays, there are the Mikes -
Michael Wicinski of The A.B.B.
Mike Cook at A Twist of Humor

And if you want jokes, visit Hoss over at Old Horsetail Snake
Or Miss Cellania

Or It Occurred to Me

Well, I overdid it again. That’s my style - LOL! I love every blog in my blogroll, and it was so hard to try to narrow it down. And I simply have to get a plug in for Groovy Old Lady who has a review of my book, Queen Klutz: The Misadventures of a very Clumsy Woman. I’m almost afraid to tell you this, but it seems the bad luck rubbed off on her! As soon as it arrived, she got hit with the noreaster storm, had her power go out, slipped on the steps and had all of the electronics in her house go crazy.

I have that effect everywhere I go - LOL!

Best wishes to all of you for a wonderful day!

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