Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Oh what a beautiful morning,
Oh what a beautiful day,
I've got a wonderful feeling,
Everything's going my way.

Happy Wednesday, everyone! What a beuatiful day! S’posed to be mild and sunny here, hooray!

In other news, the American people have spoken. Woot! I believe in democracy. I believe we have the right to vote and should exercise it. If you didn’t vote, you don’t get to bitch - LOL!

And K-Fed goes in the same, “Trivial Pursuit - 2010 Edition” answer box as Star Jones - LOL!

I get a couple of days off from the insanity run! Double woot! LOL

Husband has taken a mini-vacation, so for a few days, I am spared from breaking the laws of Mazoorah, Kansas and physics, by trying to survive on three hours of sleep and travel 250 miles a day without incident (cars hate me).

I got to make a “Personal Wishlist” Squidoo lens, which was a blast! Stop by and make one for yourself - it is so much fun! I’ll be happy to lend you a hand!

Girls will be boys,

girl dressed up as boy

and boys will be girls.

boy dressed up as girl

It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world...(Oh dear, now I’ve got The Kinks stuck in my head. Not that unusual for my brain to have a few kinks though - LOL)

May you all have a fabulous Wednesday!

give peace a chance

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