Get Over It Day
March 9 is National Get Over It Day
An ex, a rejection, something that makes you sad, an embarrassment...anything you are struggling to get over.
Do it tomorrow!
Get Over It Day is a new holiday taking place on March 9th (exactly midway between Valentine's Day and April Fool's Day) because, at one time or another, EVERYONE has SOMETHING to get over! (regardless of what - or whom - "it" may be for you).
Regardless of age, of race, or of gender,
If you're tall or short, if you're plump or slender.
If you're hot or you're not, if you're straight, gay, or bi-,
This holiday is for YOU, and we'll now tell you why...
NOBODY is happy, EVERY day of their life.
Not an American Idol, not a Desperate Housewife.
Not MVP athletes, not Oscar-winning stars.
Not rich CEOs, not hot chicks at bars.
We ALL have our issues; ALL lives contain stress.
At some point, we're ALL, an emotional mess.
Ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-husbands, ex-wives.
There are people to get over in EVERYONE'S lives...
But as much as things suck, as bad as they get.
If you got cheated on, if you're swimming in debt.
If you're aging or balding or get a cold sore,
Don't ever forget, that it could ALWAYS suck more!
It's all part of life; it will help you grow stronger.
But this "pity party" of yours can't last any longer.
You can sit home alone, being sad and depressed,
Or you can choose to be strong, and do as we suggest...
March 9th is the day, to finally say:
"Move on! It's done! It's Get Over It Day!"
Okay, I'm gonna get over something today... My boyfriend asking me to marry him and then changing his mind. Yep, today is the day I'm gonna get over it! *cringe*
(What did I get rid of? I gotta think this over. Everything's going pretty good for me....)
I came across your comment on frankengirls blog, about witches and bitches, and thought u might find my last insert of interest. It very much has to do with finding the core meaning of language. In this case we are discovering the essential meaning of matriarch; matrix, kinship and origin. The post is named 'revelations of the motherland'...I believe u will find it as ironically funny as I retrospect of current terminology and patriarchal powertripping.
I'll have to mark this on my calendar for next year. ;)
Blessings to all of you!