Valentine's Day in Two Weeks

I am reposting the last post I had at the old blog, from one week ago, Tuesday January 24, 2006.
That afternoon is when I was locked out, and all of my attempts to contact Blogger Help have fallen on deaf ears. I'm a never-say-die kind of gal though, so I start anew here. I have been contacting everyone on my blogroll and frequent commenters, to notify them of the new digs.

I deeply appreciate all of the support and good wishes I have received from so many of you.

Valentine’s Day is TWO WEEKS from TODAY!
(All the male readers experience temporary blindness - LOL)

I’ve decorated the ol’ blog - added a countdown (I will send the code to anyone who wants it) changed the banner and colors a bit (still tweaking the colors some, it’s hard to find colors that look good and provide enough contrast to show up well.)

Russell Stover Chocolates
Send in your best Valentine joke, and I will compile them into a post each Friday for a contest, and ask readers to vote for their favorite.

You can post your jokes in the comments section, or e-mail them to me here:

Valentine’s Day is Tuesday February 14, so I will announce the winner on Friday, February 17.
I will send the winner a free box of Russell Stover Chocolates!

Here’s one to get you started:

A young woman was taking an afternoon nap.
After she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's Day. What do you think it means?"
"You'll know tonight." he said.
That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife.
Delighted, she opened it--only to find a book entitled "The meaning of dreams".
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New Blog Update:
I've received a couple of entries for the joke contest.
Please send in your Valentine's jokes and we'll let the readers pick their favorite.

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Anonymous said…
Glad to see things are working properly again.
Anonymous said…
hi marti!! your blog is now on my blogspotlight!!!
Marti said…
threecollie - I'm trying to look on the bright side - this URL has "enter the laughter" in it, so that can't be such a bad thing! LOL

Oh wow! Thanks!

I will be right over to see, Chas!
Anonymous said…
by the way, did you try to leave a comment on my blog awhile ago since there was a slight glitch on commenting system awhile ago.
Anonymous said…
yup and it will stay for a week there

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