About This Blog

I have been a writer since pre-school.

Our family has been on the internet for almost a decade, going clear back to the early days off USENET bulletin boards. I watched Husband and Son foraging excitedly through this new cyber-jungle, and followed along on their safari.

I learned that I could find people who had similar interests. I learned that I could post messages that other people responded to. I found a place to share my crazy ideas and express myself through my humorous writing.

It made me happy.

Eldest Son started blogging and sent me his link. I was fascinated, and played around with several private blogs, learning the ropes.

Then I officially started Digital Doorway: Enter the Laughter in January 2005.

No one came.

It made me sad.

But I am one determined gal, and I learned about traffic exchanges, started commenting at other blogs, and got myself listed in directories.

Readers came, and life was good.

Then disaster struck.

On Tuesday, January 24, 2006, I put up an early morning post with the subject that it was three weeks until Valentine’s Day. My template had small pictures of items I had listed at E-Bay down the sidebar, to direct people to those online auctions, in hopes of having more bidders.

That afternoon, one of the items sold, so I went to the template to remove its picture. There was a notice from Blogger that they would be shutting down for maintenance.

Little did I know my blog was doomed.

I was right on the borderline, one minute before the scheduled shutdown.

I thought I could get an update in just before the shutdown. I made the changes and hit publish. One of the pictures wasn't showing up, (just got that dumb little box with a red x in it) so I double-checked the code and I had left the trailing quote mark off of the reference to the picture.

Duh on me - LOL

I went in and made the change to add the quote mark, and hit publish again.

I think that is when I sent the whole shebang down the drain LOL

It was exactly at 4 PM. I went to "View blog" and none of the changes showed up. I went back to the template and they had the notice up that they were doing maintenance and nobody could get in. But after the control dashboard became available again, I still wasn't able to publish. I could attempt to change things, but when I hit publish it would just show 0% over and over LOL

The next day, when it still wouldn’t work, I thought I would switch to FTP and upload it to web hosted space I already have, so I set up a folder at my webhost (Yahoo) to receive it, and changed the parameters at Blogger. But I still got the 0% publish thing, and that's when I knew I was doomed.

I've written dozens of letters to Blogger Help and Support, all for naught.

I’m considering Wordpress, but I hate having to start yet again, and having to learn a whole new system. So I’ll probably just stick with the new blogspot address and hope all my old pals can find me - LOL

So if you see a frazzled blonde out of the corner of your eye, waving her arms, whistling, shouting, and waving a sign that says, “Over here!” that’s me.

Come on over, door’s always open.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like a harrowing experience. People already know you exist, so it won’t be long before they are wondering your corridors again.
Anonymous said…
marti, I get down sometimes when I see increasing traffic on my blog but see little comments. It can be frustrating. Blogging is not for the weak of heart.

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