Left Handed Link Love

I’m proud to be a southpaw! Today, August 13 is National Left Handers Day!


(Fanning myself like Scarlet O'Hara all a-twitter here LOL)
I submitted a guest article to Mommybloggers, and they just let me know they have used it today! There are wonderful stories there - you don't have to be a mom to enjoy a visit.
As they state:
~The goal of our site, Mommybloggers, is to expose the diversity of the writers who commonly fall under the label "mommyblogger". This site is set up to be an inclusive experience for our readers, both for parents and non-parents alike. We will feature women who will share how their experiences in motherhood effect the many various aspects of her life in humorous, supportive and informative ways. Mommybloggers are making a real difference in this world. Mommybloggers.com wants to introduce you, our readers, to these amazing women.~
I am so grateful to them for using my article. Please stop by for a visit! Thanks!


Hoss is in love!


The personal computer is 25 years old!


Do you Squidoo ?


Miss Cellania will have you rolling on the floor, holding your sides and spewing coffee all over your monitor with all of her hilarious links! She’s a sweetheart - please stop by!
I will be joining Miss C, Karen and many other bloggers in a month, when we mark the five-year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. D. Challener Roe is working hard to get 2,996 bloggers involved in a non-partisan tribute to the victims of 9/11. The idea is for each blogger to post a tribute to one victim on September 11, 2006. Although mine is a humor blog, I will be posting a serious tribute to:
John F. Swaine, age 36.
Place killed: World Trade Center.
Resident of Larchmont, N.Y. (USA).

I am the 1724th blogger to sign up for the 2,996 Tribute Project.

Anyone who wishes may use this candle image with my blessing.

Please consider blogging a tribute. There has been amazing response, but it's not all that are needed. Roe is keeping track and posting updates at the project blog, 2996. Bloggers can go there to sign up and be assigned a person to write about, or you can request a particular individual if you want. Thank you so much!


Amy, (who is muttering, “Gee thanks a lot! How am I supposed to follow something like the tribute?”) is a "Can't miss" blog.

I KNOW you can do it sugar! Anyone who can tell a story about sucking a hamster...well y’all will just have to go see. LOL!


Need more laughs? Go read:
USA Deep South
Southern Humorists
The Dixie Dispatch
The A.B.B.
(You might even run across me at some of these places! LOL)


School starts here Thursday, so I won’t be back until then, providing the men with the straightjacket don’t cart me off before then - LOL Sorry for not visiting much, I miss y’all...just been awful busy being a little book trollop - LOL!

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