
Showing posts from July, 2007


For most of you, yesterday was Sunday. Here it was Stunday, as in a day of stunning events. First, I was stunned (in a good way) to see a spike in book sales following mention by Chris Brogan , praising Queen Klutz . I’ve been pimping ...errr...promoting the book for months and haven’t seen this kind of sales. Maybe it was his honesty. Not many men would admit that their wife laughs in bed, but this brave soul left this twitter post: God love ya, Chris! I saw a similar spike following my interview with Liz Strauss . I thank them both! Isn’t it great when the blogosphere smiles on you? Then I was stunned (in a strange way) when Husband got gasoline. No, the act of gassing up the car isn’t stunning (expensive, but not stunning) . He dropped Daughter and I off at the grocery store (scene of the non-juggling hair-hanger routine) and took off for the service station on the corner. Daughter and I finished shopping and waited outside the store. We could see the station but didn’t...


I went to the grocery store last night, after a frustrating day of trying to get my mother-in-law’s computer to recognize the AT&T/DSL Internet connection we had made for her. We might as well have been trying to talk to the Mars rover. More on that in a moment. It was hot - really hot, but not in a fun, Paris Hilton kind of way. We’re talking temperature and humidity in the 90’s. I parked the car, went in for supplies, returned and unlocked the door. I was tired and frustrated. I flung the door open, tossed the sack onto the passenger seat, and dropped towards the driver’s seat as I pulled the door shut behind me. The key word in this sentence is “towards”. I did not make it fully TO the seat, as an updraft from the heated interior of the car caught my ponytail (I can’t stand this mat of heavy hair on the back of my neck when it’s 95 outside) . Just as the door slammed fully shut, the ponytail was lodged between the door and the roof of the car, suspending me, much like this...

Cave Boy and the Goblet of Squid

Middle Son remains at home, as the person he is replacing in the shared household he and his lady-love will be joining, has yet to depart. The kid who was supposed to move out must have taken my death threats seriously....... :) Although he still lives here, he is no longer a McPloyee. He and lady-love both bid adieu to the golden arches for greener pastures. Then they went under them. They are both now working in a cave. Honest. Subtropolis . It sounds like somewhere a superhero arch-enemy would hang out, doesn’t it? LOL But it is a real place, the world's largest underground business complex, a subterranean industrial park with nearly five million square feet of leasable space. Speaking of bidding adieu, I am in the process of getting rid of many of my Squidoo lenses. It’s nothing personal (despite my rant at Calacanis ) I just don’t have the time, or sufficient drug supplies (to DEA computer scanner - just kidding) to keep them up. So I’ve let others adopt them. Summer...


A crusty old Marine Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young, idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. "Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man. Is something bothering you?" "Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature." The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, "It looks like you have seen a lot of action." "Yes, ma'am, a lot of action." The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, "You know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself." The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner. Finally the young lady said, "You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?" "1955, ma'am." "Well, there you are. You really need to chill out and ...


The Good The bad and the Adly Today is supposed to be a lucky day - 07/07/07. I hope it’s lucky for you! Any special plans for today? Does July have any special significance for you...a birthday, anniversary, special memory? I have a few thoughts (often very few LOL ) THE GOOD I got a very nice book review for my book of humor essays (some taken from this very blog - LOL) I didn’t die in a horrible flaming car crash when the wheel fell off the car My birthday is on the 29th. THE BAD Middle Son has informed me that he and his lady-love are going to move in together, which means he is moving out of our home. I will miss him and all of the topics he gave me to blog about - LOL Eldest Son moved out ten years ago, when I was just getting started on the Internet. Daughter is 18 and going into her senior year of high school, so she’ll be gone before I know it. The cats better start doing some pretty funny stuff - LOL THE ADLY I love advertising. I know most people are annoyed by it, ...

Toad Strippers and Near Death Experiences

I have had one hell of a week and it’s only Tuesday. The “week” I am referencing goes back to last Friday though. Although the rains have finally stopped here, it was pouring on that day. It was starting to look Biblical. Then the plague of frogs struck. I had gone to the roadside vegetable stand and picked up some fresh garden goodies for a dinner salad. When I got home and came up the driveway, it was considerably softer than usual. Then I realized I was running over thousands of frogs. They were everywhere. I stepped gingerly out of the car, and tried to avoid stepping on one as I made my way to the door. Then one of the little boogers jumped on top of my shoe. I was balancing bags of produce, and trying to maintain my balance, so I slowly lifted my foot and tried to fling it across the yard. Instead, the frog (or toad - I never remember how you tell the difference and at this point didn’t care) leapt...not away, but up. Up my pants leg. I dropped the bags and hopped around i...